MiguelRegodon on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/miguelregodon/art/Song-of-Ice-and-Fire-The-Hound-194362199MiguelRegodon

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MiguelRegodon's avatar

Song of Ice and Fire:The Hound



A fan art of this magnificent book. Hope you like it!! :)
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664x850px 352.19 KB
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Kane-father-of-death's avatar
I'd do him. I mean if I were a women. Or if I were gay. Oh who am I kidding, give me a flagon of strong wine and I would be good. *Sigh*
Really though, one of the most complicated, interesting characters. My personal favorite. Would be cool to see with his helm on too!